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- // ==================================================================
- // btree.h
- // Template-based balanced binary tree class.
- // Copyright (C) 1992 by Nicholas Wilt. All rights reserved.
- // ==================================================================
- #ifndef __BTREE__
- #define __BTREE__
- // BinaryNode is the class template that does all the work.
- // All the binary tree primitives are implemented in here.
- template<class T>
- class BinaryNode {
- protected:
- // For node colors
- enum RedBlack { Black, Red };
- public:
- T x; // Node contents
- enum RedBlack clr; // Color of node (red or black)
- BinaryNode<T> *l, *r, *p; // Left, right and parent pointers
- protected:
- // Tree manipulations used during insertion and deletion
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *LeftRotate(BinaryNode<T> *root);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *RightRotate(BinaryNode<T> *root);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *DeleteFixup(BinaryNode<T> *x, BinaryNode<T> *p);
- public:
- // Constructors. Node always starts out red.
- BinaryNode();
- BinaryNode(const T& X, BinaryNode<T> *P = 0,
- BinaryNode<T> *L = 0, BinaryNode<T> *R = 0);
- virtual ~BinaryNode() { }
- static void PostOrderDeletion(BinaryNode<T> *r);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *Dup(BinaryNode<T> *P) const;
- // Operations defined on binary trees. All run in O(lgN) time.
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *Min();
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *Max();
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *Pred();
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *Succ();
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *Query(const T& q);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *InsertNode(BinaryNode<T> *root);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *Insert(const T& AddMe);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *DeleteNode(BinaryNode<T> *z);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *DeleteItem(const T& q);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *DeletePassbk(T q, T *passbk);
- // Returns 0 if the red-black invariant holds.
- virtual int CheckInvariant(int i, int num);
- // Returns number of black nodes from root to leftmost node.
- int BlackToMin();
- };
- template<class T>
- class BinaryTreeIter {
- public:
- // Create iterator for tree, initially pointing at root.
- BinaryTreeIter(BinaryTree<T>& tree);
- // Create iterator for tree, initially pointing at the node
- // queried by q.
- BinaryTreeIter(BinaryTree<T>& tree, const T& q);
- // Reset iterator to point to root of given tree.
- void Reset(BinaryTree<T>& tree);
- // Returns pointer to the contents of the current node, or
- // 0 if the current node is 0.
- T *Contents() const;
- // Sets iterator to point to minimum node in the subtree.
- void Min();
- // Sets iterator to point to maximum node in the subtree.
- void Max();
- // Sets iterator to point to the current node's predecessor.
- void Pred();
- // Sets iterator to point to the current node's successor.
- void Succ();
- // Queries subtree for the given key.
- int Query(const T&);
- protected:
- BinaryTree<T> *tree; // Pointer to the tree being scanned
- BinaryNode<T> *subtree; // Subtree currently being considered
- };
- // BinaryTree class template.
- template<class T>
- class BinaryTree {
- protected:
- BinaryNode<T> *root;
- public:
- // Default constructor.
- BinaryTree();
- // Copy constructor.
- BinaryTree(const BinaryTree<T>& x);
- // Assignment operator.
- BinaryTree<T>& operator= (const BinaryTree<T>& x);
- // Destructor.
- ~BinaryTree();
- virtual T *Min() const;
- virtual T *Max() const;
- virtual T *Pred(const T& q) const;
- virtual T *Succ(const T& q) const;
- virtual T *Query(const T& q) const;
- virtual void Insert(const T& addme);
- virtual void DeleteItem(const T& q);
- virtual void DeletePassbk(const T& q, T *passbk);
- virtual int IsEmpty() const;
- virtual int CheckInvariant();
- // The following are accessible only to classes that inherit
- // from BinaryTree, since they deal directly with BinaryNodes.
- protected:
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *InsertPassbk(const T& addme);
- virtual BinaryNode<T> *QueryNode(const T& q) const;
- virtual void DeleteNode(BinaryNode<T> *delme);
- friend BinaryTreeIter<T>;
- };
- template<class T>
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::BinaryTreeIter(BinaryTree<T>& Tree)
- {
- tree = &Tree;
- subtree = tree->root;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::BinaryTreeIter(BinaryTree<T>& Tree, const T& q)
- {
- tree = &Tree;
- subtree = tree->root;
- if (subtree)
- subtree = subtree->Query(q);
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::Reset(BinaryTree<T>& Tree)
- {
- tree = &Tree;
- subtree = tree->root;
- }
- template<class T>
- T *
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::Contents() const
- {
- return (subtree) ? &subtree->x : 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::Min()
- {
- if (subtree)
- subtree = subtree->Min();
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::Max()
- {
- if (subtree)
- subtree = subtree->Max();
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::Pred()
- {
- if (subtree)
- subtree = subtree->Pred();
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::Succ()
- {
- if (subtree)
- subtree = subtree->Succ();
- }
- template<class T>
- int
- BinaryTreeIter<T>::Query(const T& x)
- {
- subtree = (subtree) ? subtree->Query(x) : 0;
- return subtree != 0;
- }
- // Private enum to implement the red-black tree.
- // enum RedBlack { Black, Red };
- template<class T>
- BinaryTree<T>::BinaryTree()
- {
- root = 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryTree<T>::BinaryTree(const BinaryTree<T>& x)
- {
- root = x.root->Dup(0);
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryTree<T>&
- BinaryTree<T>::operator=(const BinaryTree<T>& x)
- {
- BinaryNode<T>::PostOrderDeletion(root);
- root = x.root->Dup(0);
- return *this;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryTree<T>::~BinaryTree()
- {
- BinaryNode<T>::PostOrderDeletion(root);
- }
- template<class T>
- T *
- BinaryTree<T>::Min() const
- {
- return (root) ? &root->Min()->x : 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- T *
- BinaryTree<T>::Max() const
- {
- return (root) ? &root->Max()->x : 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- T *
- BinaryTree<T>::Pred(const T& q) const
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *p = (root) ? root->Query(q) : 0;
- if (p) {
- BinaryNode<T> *r = p->Pred();
- return (r) ? &r->x : 0;
- }
- else return 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- T *
- BinaryTree<T>::Succ(const T& q) const
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *p = (root) ? root->Query(q) : 0;
- if (p) {
- BinaryNode<T> *r = p->Succ();
- return (r) ? &r->x : 0;
- }
- else return 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- T *
- BinaryTree<T>::Query(const T& q) const
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *p = (root) ? root->Query(q) : 0;
- return (p) ? &p->x : 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTree<T>::Insert(const T& addme)
- {
- if (root)
- root = root->Insert(addme);
- else
- root = new BinaryNode<T>(addme);
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryTree<T>::InsertPassbk(const T& addme)
- {
- if (root)
- root = root->Insert(addme);
- else
- root = new BinaryNode<T>(addme);
- return root->Query(addme);
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTree<T>::DeleteItem(const T& q)
- {
- if (root)
- root = root->DeleteItem(q);
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTree<T>::DeletePassbk(const T& q, T *passbk)
- {
- if (root)
- root = root->DeletePassbk(q, passbk);
- }
- template<class T>
- int
- BinaryTree<T>::IsEmpty() const
- {
- return root == 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- int
- BinaryTree<T>::CheckInvariant()
- {
- return (root) ? root->CheckInvariant(0, root->BlackToMin()) : 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryTree<T>::QueryNode(const T& q) const
- {
- return (root) ? root->Query(q) : 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryTree<T>::DeleteNode(BinaryNode<T> *delme)
- {
- if (root)
- root = root->DeleteNode(delme);
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T>::BinaryNode()
- {
- clr = Red;
- l = r = p = 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T>::BinaryNode(const T& X, BinaryNode<T> *P = 0,
- BinaryNode<T> *L = 0, BinaryNode<T> *R = 0): x(X)
- {
- clr = Red;
- p = P;
- l = L;
- r = R;
- }
- template<class T>
- void
- BinaryNode<T>::PostOrderDeletion(BinaryNode<T> *r)
- {
- if (r) {
- PostOrderDeletion(r->l);
- PostOrderDeletion(r->r);
- delete r;
- }
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Dup(BinaryNode<T> *P) const
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *ret = new BinaryNode<T>(x);
- ret->clr = clr;
- ret->l = l->Dup(ret);
- ret->r = r->Dup(ret);
- ret->p = P;
- return ret;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Min()
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *x = this;
- while (x && x->l)
- x = x->l;
- return x;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Max()
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *x = this;
- while (x && x->r)
- x = x->r;
- return x;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Min()
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *x = this;
- while (x && x->l)
- x = x->l;
- return x;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Max()
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *x = this;
- while (x && x->r)
- x = x->r;
- return x;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Pred()
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *trav = this;
- if (trav->l)
- return trav->l->Max();
- BinaryNode<T> *y = trav->p;
- while (y && trav == y->l) {
- trav = y;
- y = y->p;
- }
- return y;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Succ()
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *trav = this;
- if (trav->r)
- return trav->r->Min();
- BinaryNode<T> *y = trav->p;
- while (y && trav == y->r) {
- trav = y;
- y = y->p;
- }
- return y;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Query(const T& q)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *trav = this;
- while (trav) {
- if (q < trav->x)
- trav = trav->l;
- else if (trav->x < q)
- trav = trav->r;
- else
- return trav;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::LeftRotate(BinaryNode<T> *root)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *ret = root;
- BinaryNode<T> *y = r;
- r = y->l;
- if (r)
- r->p = this;
- y->p = p;
- if (p) {
- if (this == p->l)
- p->l = y;
- else
- p->r = y;
- }
- else
- ret = y;
- y->l = this;
- p = y;
- return ret;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::RightRotate(BinaryNode<T> *root)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *ret = root;
- BinaryNode<T> *x = l;
- l = x->r;
- if (l)
- l->p = this;
- x->p = p;
- if (p) {
- if (this == p->l)
- p->l = x;
- else
- p->r = x;
- }
- else
- ret = x;
- x->r = this;
- p = x;
- return ret;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::InsertNode(BinaryNode<T> *addme)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *root = this;
- if (! addme->p)
- root = addme;
- else {
- if (addme->x < addme->p->x)
- addme->p->l = addme;
- else
- addme->p->r = addme;
- }
- clr = Red;
- while (addme != root && addme->p->clr == Red) {
- BinaryNode<T> *y;
- if (! addme->p->p)
- break;
- if (addme->p == addme->p->p->l) {
- y = addme->p->p->r;
- if (y && y->clr == Red) {
- addme->p->clr = Black;
- y->clr = Black;
- addme->p->p->clr = Red;
- addme = addme->p->p;
- }
- else {
- if (addme == addme->p->r) {
- addme = addme->p;
- root = addme->LeftRotate(root);
- }
- addme->p->clr = Black;
- if (addme->p->p) {
- addme->p->p->clr = Red;
- root = addme->p->p->RightRotate(root);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- y = addme->p->p->l;
- if (y && y->clr == Red) {
- addme->p->clr = Black;
- y->clr = Black;
- addme->p->p->clr = Red;
- addme = addme->p->p;
- }
- else {
- if (addme == addme->p->l) {
- addme = addme->p;
- root = addme->RightRotate(root);
- }
- addme->p->clr = Black;
- if (addme->p->p) {
- addme->p->p->clr = Red;
- root = addme->p->p->LeftRotate(root);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- root->clr = Black;
- return root;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::Insert(const T& AddMe)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *x = this;
- BinaryNode<T> *y = 0;
- while (x) {
- y = x;
- x = (AddMe < x->x) ? x->l : x->r;
- }
- BinaryNode<T> *addme = new BinaryNode<T>(AddMe, y);
- return InsertNode(addme);
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::DeleteFixup(BinaryNode<T> *x, BinaryNode<T> *p)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *root = this;
- while (x != root && (! x || x->clr == Black)) {
- BinaryNode<T> *w;
- if (x == p->l) {
- if (! p)
- return root;
- w = p->r;
- if (! w)
- return root;
- if (w->clr == Red) {
- w->clr = Black;
- p->clr = Red;
- root = p->LeftRotate(root);
- w = p->r;
- if (! p || ! w)
- return root;
- }
- if ( ((! w->l) || w->l->clr == Black) &&
- ((! w->r) || w->r->clr == Black)) {
- w->clr = Red;
- x = p;
- p = p->p;
- continue;
- }
- else if ((! w->r) || w->r->clr == Black) {
- w->l->clr = Black;
- w->clr = Red;
- root = w->RightRotate(root);
- w = p->r;
- if (! p || ! w)
- return root;
- }
- w->clr = p->clr;
- if (p)
- p->clr = Black;
- w->r->clr = Black;
- if (p)
- root = p->LeftRotate(root);
- x = root;
- }
- else {
- if (! p)
- return root;
- w = p->l;
- if (! p || ! w)
- return root;
- if (w->clr == Red) {
- w->clr = Black;
- p->clr = Red;
- root = p->RightRotate(root);
- w = p->l;
- if (! p || ! w)
- return root;
- }
- if ( ((! w->r) || w->r->clr == Black) &&
- ((! w->l) || w->l->clr == Black)) {
- w->clr = Red;
- x = p;
- p = p->p;
- continue;
- }
- else if ((! w->l) || w->l->clr == Black) {
- w->r->clr = Black;
- w->clr = Red;
- root = w->LeftRotate(root);
- w = p->l;
- if (! p || ! w)
- return root;
- }
- w->clr = p->clr;
- if (p)
- p->clr = Black;
- w->l->clr = Black;
- if (p)
- root = p->RightRotate(root);
- x = root;
- }
- }
- if (x)
- x->clr = Black;
- return root;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::DeleteNode(BinaryNode<T> *z)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *root = this;
- BinaryNode<T> *x, *y;
- if (! z)
- return root;
- y = (! z->l || ! z->r) ? z : z->Succ();
- x = (y->l) ? y->l : y->r;
- if (x)
- x->p = y->p;
- if (y->p) {
- if (y == y->p->l)
- y->p->l = x;
- else
- y->p->r = x;
- }
- else
- root = x;
- if (y != z)
- z->x = y->x;
- if (y->clr == Black) {
- if (root)
- root = root->DeleteFixup(x, y->p);
- }
- delete y;
- return root;
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::DeleteItem(const T& q)
- {
- return DeleteNode(Query(q));
- }
- template<class T>
- BinaryNode<T> *
- BinaryNode<T>::DeletePassbk(T q, T *passbk)
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *z = Query(q);
- if (z)
- *passbk = z->x;
- return DeleteNode(z);
- }
- template<class T>
- int
- BinaryNode<T>::CheckInvariant(int i, int num)
- {
- int ret;
- if (! l && (i != num + clr == Black))
- return -1;
- if (! r && (i != num + clr == Black))
- return -1;
- ret = (l) ? l->CheckInvariant(i + (clr == Black), num) : 0;
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- return r && r->CheckInvariant(i + (clr == Black), num);
- }
- template<class T>
- int
- BinaryNode<T>::BlackToMin()
- {
- BinaryNode<T> *trav = this;
- int ret = 0;
- while (trav) {
- ret += (trav->clr == Black);
- trav = trav->l;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- #endif